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April 21st, 2023 Legislative Update

State of the State

On Wednesday evening Governor Walz delivered his State of the State address to the Legislature. His speech was the most divisive and political State of the State I’ve seen during my time here in the Legislature.

A DFL legislator even acknowledged to me in conversation that it was one of the most partisan State of the State speeches they’ve ever heard in their many years of serving.

In times such as these, we must focus on bringing people together and collaborating to solve Minnesotans’ most pressing problems whether it’s honoring our fallen Pope County deputy, funding our nursing homes in crisis, or cutting taxes and returning the surplus. None of these issues made an appearance in this week’s speech. We must do better Minnesota. Update on Walz's Mansion Per Brian Bakst on Twitter, it seems that our pressure on the Governor's $17,000 lakeside mansion worked! The Dept. of Administration is working to have the Governor move into the University of Minnesota's presidential residence for a cost of 4,400 per month. I'm glad to have worked to save the taxpayers over $10,000 per month!

Omnibus Bill Update

This past week we’ve heard and debated a variety of omnibus bills on the House Floor. This week the DFL passed their Higher Education, State Government, Transportation, Agriculture, and other budget bills off of the Floor, chipping away at the surplus and raising your taxes one by one. House Republicans are working to deliver meaningful change for Minnesotans and reign in spending but there is little else we can do when none of our amendments to these bills are taken. For instance, the State Government Omnibus Bill that was passed increased bureaucracy spending by 41% and funded Walz's $17,000 per month rent. I voted no.

Please Contact Me Please feel free to reach out to my office if there is any way I can be of assistance. My phone number is 651-296-4282, I am here to serve you! Have a great weekend! Jim


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